Birding, Wildlife & Nature
Let’s start with a little history lesson in Birding, Wildlife, & Nature. The connection to the land plays out poetically in pioneering naturalist Aldo Leopold’s 1949 book “A Sand County Almanac”. This book chronicled his vision of a land ethic and how caring for people cannot be separate from caring for the land. He wrote it from his home in Baraboo, Wisconsin which you can still visit. It’s now the Aldo Leopold Foundation, where you can learn how to be a better land steward in your own life.
This brings us to today. Fascinating, diverse wildlife exists in every corner of the Midwest!
Along side birding and wildlife, explore Midwest State Natural Areas, which protect outstanding examples of native landscapes and provides some of the last refuges for rare plants and animals. There are many areas available to visit around the beautiful Midwest, giving you options spanning spring wildflowers to fall colors.
Start your search here on the Midwest Birding, Wildlife, & Nature page. Above all, you’re certain to find the perfect fit in any corner of the region!